This is a demo website for JS9 plugins. Access to official JS9 Website here.


Plot profile Plugin : Open an image file, then go to menu "Analysis", and click on "Plot Profile". You can now see plot profile of any line region you add

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Contrast Plugin : Open an image file, then go to "View" menu, and click on "Contrast sliders". You can now adjust contrast by moving the two sliders

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Photometry Plugin : Open an image file, then go to menu "Analysis", and click on "Photometry". You can use 3 circles annulus regions tu calculate photometry. Pixel inside the smallest circle must be star pixel. Pixel between the two largest circles will be sky pixel

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Basic Image processing : Open an image file, then go to "View" menu, and click on "Basic Image processing"

Draw a box region, then click on "Extract Sub image" to create a new FITS image containing only the content of the box region

Open two same size images, select them on the two dropdown lists, and click on add of subtract. A third image which is the addition / subtraction of the two first will be created

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See somes other JS9 tips